Hi Everyone-
I love hanging out with my foster brother and sister. They help me have confidence in so many situations. I am learning so much from them! They have been really good at teaching me about the best places to sit in the house too!

There has been a lot of talk as to what the next step will be to help me. Everyone is very happy that it doesn’t look like I have Wobblers, but the question remains as to what is causing the trouble with my hind legs. It has been decided that we are going to have some additional X-rays done of my spine at the University of Minnesota. While there is no guarantee that the X-rays will give us answers, it seems to be the logical place to start.

The new theory about me…I may have been hit by a car or suffered some other form of trauma before coming to DRM. No one helped me so I didn’t receive the care needed to heal properly. The mystery continues…
