Supermodel Mercedes, one year since contract signed!
Top Model-Mercedes Just wanted to send along a recent pic and quick update on Mercedes since we just celebrated one year with her. She's happy and healthy and has been the best thing to happen [...]
Doberman pup! Coming into rescue soon, has no name!
Hello Doberman Rescue Minnesota peeps, I heard Doberman Rescue Minnesota is going to help me find my forever home very soon! I seem to have forgotten where home was, you see, I was out roaming [...]
Ebay & The band Atmosphere CDs, Autographed and now on Ebay, to benefit rescue Dobermans!
Atmosphere in ConcertGo to Ebay-Seller-dobermanrescueminnesota A huge thank you to the band Atmosphere for donating to our rescued Dobermans! The Twin Cities favorite Alternative band, Atmosphere, has donated their entire recorded album set, all [...]
What’s up with Emma?
Emma is still going pretty strong. She has her down times where she hurts from playing too hard, but otherwise she's pretty good given her senior age.- Ben
DRM!! Read all about it!!
Get all the latest DRM News here!! Click the link below for the November 2012 DRM Newsletter If you are not currently subscribed to get the newsletter CLICK HERE to get signed up!! [...]
Some of the Dobe O Rama Silent Auction Items!
Training at Canine Coach Fromms Baskets, Coffee Baskets Kong Basket Sojos-Ginormous Basket Rio Gran Dobermans - Gift Basket! DRM loves Rio Gran! Beautiful Dobe Blanket Monkey and Dinosaurs by Tuffys! Real Doberman not part of [...]