Like DRM on Facebook and get a FREE Mordecai Kiss at the Kissing booth this Saturday at Dobe O Rama!
Mordy here! I'm gonna catch you Titan, and give you a big wet puppy kiss! Whoohoo! We only need 270 more page likes to get 1000 and then, I am giving everyone FREE kisses at [...]
Fido Fleece available at Dobe O Rama! Keep your Dobe-dog warm this winter!
Doberman Rescue Minnesota will have on hand, at Dobe O Rama MANY sizes of Fido Fleece jackets, from small dogs to ginormous sizes. Get all your pups ready for our Minnesota winter with this great deal [...]
Meet our new arrivals at Dobe O Rama this Saturday! Nitro, Loki and Thor!
Loki and Thor doing a 5 mile walk! Baby Nitro and mentor-foster brother, Gunner! Nitro gets into the action! Baby Nitro Loki Thor Loki Thor
Dobe O Rama this Saturday! Check out these silent auction items to bid on!
This is just a SMALL sampling of fun stuff available at the Silent Auction this Saturday September 14th at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds to help raise money for our Dobermans-Bring your well behaved dogs! [...]
Scoop the poop at Dobe O Rama!
"It" happens, and now there is a unique way to pick it up!
Harvesting Hope for Animals October 24th, 2013
Buy your tickets now! You do not want to miss this! Doberman Rescue Minnesota invites you, along with a great collaboration of rescue groups who are working together to save hundreds of homeless animals! Fun [...]