Not keeping this Sophie selphie to myself!

Sophie smooches to my pals! It really is a good day, well sort of, well truthfully, no it kind of bites for me… leg hurts like the dickens from my surgery on Monday. 3 pins and some extra hardware to boot. Thats what they put inside my little skinny frog-leg that was broken. Then…would you believe my foster mom is making me wear a silly cone apparatus that is completely annoying and irritating as heck. Gee, I can’t lick myself properly, and I keep banging the darn cone on everything I get close to. It’s giving me a migraine. Dr L and Dr M told me I can’t go outside to play for 8 weeks. WHAT I said!!! This is going to be pretty tough for me cause you do realize I am a puppy!!!???? I just wanna run like the wind right now and play, well sort of. Well maybe not so much right now, but one day I think I will. My leg hurts really bad right now and I am getting some pills to help with the pain,  the DR’s told me it should start feeling better soon. Well when is soon coming Docs I say? OK foster mom, I will forgive you for making me wear that dorky cone if you rub my belly and give me a back rub……..stay tuned for more of my Sophie Selphies!  Love Sophie!