Star and Apollo
Dear DRM,
I wanted to touch base with you about Max.
He is doing great. He is a wonderful dog, and we love him dearly.
In September I acquired a standard poodle and she is now Max’s companion, actually, his shadow. She was 4 months old when we got her and at first a bit scared of Max. That lasted a week.
After that he encouraged her to chase him all over the yard and they continue to do that every chance they get.
Regretfully, she is a hunter and has brought a couple of bunnies.
She does share though and Maxie likes that. EEEKKK!
I am enclosing some pictures. The first one is the day Star arrived and brought a toy. Max decided it would be his. He carried it around barely putting it down for a week. He didn’t tear it. Just carried it. The second picture is when Star arrived. She was still wondering what she had gotten herself into.
The third picture is the way Max likes to sit on the step. His butt on the top step and his front feet on the bottom step.
He is such a handsome boy!
